Top 5 Films | Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2016

This post is a throwback and a departure from my recent ones. In appearance not as personal, but after all, I am who I am, and this is what I like. Among the things that make me glad I'm alive, and that bring happiness to my soul.
I had a lot of fun writing this ... READ MORE
House of Flying Daggers: A beautiful love poem
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Movie Review - House of Flying Daggers

The Psychology of Horror | Dissecting Fear
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“Human beings have been telling scary stories to each other since primitive man drew pictographs on cave walls. I think they help us confront our fears and uncertainties in a safe way.” ― Brian Keene
We’re back with more of the Dissecting Fear series, a series of articles where I’m attempting to shed some ... READ MORE
Spectre: One step forward, two steps back
Movie Review - Spectre
The 24th entry in the much-loved 007 franchise sees James Bond (Daniel Craig) receive a message from the late M (Judi Dench). This message makes Bond go rogue and travel to Mexico City and then Rome, where he meets the widow (Monica Bellucci) of a criminal.
With the information he gets from the widow, Bond is able to track down a ... READ MORE
Friday the 13th: Rekindling my love for the series
Ever since I watched The Final Girls last month, it has rekindled my love for camp slashers. The guys and I who used to spend entire Fridays afternoons watching these films (yes, we're still friends to this day!), have been recalling those times, and especially —like every fan of this franchise out there— how we used to love and cheer ... READ MORE
A Memoir | Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2015
Prior To Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2015
I first came to know about the existence of the Toronto After Dark Film Festival during my visit to the FanExo Canada back in early September where they had a booth. With so much to see there, I may not ... READ MORE
Top 5 Films | Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2015
This year’s edition of the Toronto After Dark Film Festival was full of horror and genre screenings. After nine days of eating too much popcorn and having a great time, these are my personal top five films shown during the festival. If you were there or have seen any of them let me know what you think in the comments ... READ MORE
Berkshire County: By the numbers home invasion
Movie Review - Berkshire County
A few days ago while browsing movies on iTunes I found myself craving a horror fix, which often happens. During that time I stumbled upon Berkshire County, and the poster and description caught my attention, so I thought I’d give it a go.
Kylie Winters is a teenage girl ... READ MORE
The Final Girls: A fitting tribute to the camp slasher
Movie Review - The Final Girls
Isn't it nice —and very rare— when things turn out the way you want them to? I dearly remember the many Friday nights spent with my friends watching one slasher after another when we were around 15, we mostly watched the big franchises back then, Friday the 13th or READ MORE
Why We Enjoy Horror | Dissecting Fear
“Where there is no imagination – there is no horror.”
― Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet
As I mentioned in the first article of the Dissecting Fear series, I’m attempting to shed some light on the nature of horror fans and fear itself by researching the science and studies that have been done about the subjects. READ MORE